Nick's injury occurred while playing Ping Pong with his best friend Joe....Joe must have a wicked serve to hit the ping pong ball so fast and hard that Nick had no time to react and the ball hit him square in the eye, causing a great deal of pain and total loss of vision(because blood had filled up in front of his eye his one eye was way darker than the other).....after spending 6 hours in 2 different ER's and coming home with a not so cool eye patch and way cool old man glasses, Nick was digosed with HYPHEMA....the Opthomolgist met us at his office on Saturday and said in twenty years of practice he had never heard of this injury happening with a ping pong unusual he wanted to publish it! Normal eye pressure is about a 12-15, Nick's was at 38 in the office....He was given about 5 different eye drops to use and was told he had to be on bed rest for 7-10 days because any sudden movement could cause further damage to eye.(blood getting into retina) Total bummer for Nick because he had to miss High Adventure! Total Bummer for me because i was stuck with cleaning pool and mowing lawn! Nick was a great patient and had a very good outlook on his bed rest! Of course what teenage boy would not just love to sit on couch all day and watch tv while your mom mowed the lawn!
1 comment:
my son was snapped with a towel right on the eyeball is pupil looks just like that did that go back to normal?
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