Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

what could be sweeter than to wake up to a little 6 year old with no teeth smiling and saying, "happy mother's day, mommy, i made you breakfast!" what could be sweeter than a nine year old who wrote a poem about a mom who can do anything from making cookies to finding the wii remote! what could be sweeter than to help a 13 year old realize he can't do it alone, and no matter how much independence he desires, life is so much easier with mom's help. what could be sweeter than a 15 year old who shows respect and gratitude for her mom and strives to make good choices in her life. what can be sweeter than to watch a 17 year old turn into a fine young woman, who loves the lord and is about to reap the rewards for working hard. oh what could be sweeter than lily, a little one year old to love and snuggle with!
La Dulce Vita! (Italian for "the Sweet Life")
what could be sweeter than to reflect on what a wonderful mother i had who always put her children first. what could be sweeter then to think of my grandmothers, mother-in-law, aunts and of course my sisters and sister-in-laws who all are such great examples to me of "mothers who know." mothers who know this is our greatest work, and our greatest joy! Even though much of it involves tears, stinky socks, stress, a new language to learn (GGPOS-"gotta go parent over shoulder") worry, scheduling, attitudes, frustration, feeling clueless, wrestling matches, a constant reviewing of standards, disappointments, no sleep, messy rooms, and tummies that are never full! like mother Eve without knowing all the bad we would not know just how sweet it is to be a mom!


Jody Tautu said...

Jane, I love your family blog. It is a powerful witness to a strong, loving LDS family. Your Mother's Day comments were so true. We are blessed to have the knowledge that even when times are great or stressful our children are our most precious treasures on this earth. Your family is beautiful. We are moving to California next month. I am meeting Al this Wednesday to go find our home. WE are looking at Clovis or Rocklin (by Sacramento)Pray for us. Love, cousin Jody

Juliana said...

that is so sweet... you have such a great family... wonderful examples to all of us. If your mom was anything like you (which I'm sure she was) I am certain she was a wonderful lady.