Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Wedding Photos

What a beautiful day, beautiful couple and so fun to spend it with all our family and friends!  We were so lucky to have people come from california, washington, texas, new mexico, idaho and im sure more places! I have such gratitude for everyone who helped with the wedding, could not have done it without you!  Here are a few candid shots that my good friend susie took! 

The Beautiful Couple

Nick was such a help the night before setting up!

Temple Pictures

 Reception Pictures

Photo Booth pictures!

This is my mom's sister and my cousin Lori who came from CA.....it meant so much to me to have them there....i really missed my mom through this whole wedding experience and having my aunt marilyn, lori and my mom's cousins (next picture) there was so great, I really felt my mom there because they came!  It was one of those tender mercies for me!

And these ladies are just a few of really great women who helped me with the wedding...it still makes me tear up when I think how hard they worked and I have only known them for a few short months!  AMAZING!  they are on my all time favorite list!


Susan P. said...

You will always have friends who will step up to the plate for you, because YOU are that type of person, Jane. You are a family that welcomes, invites, and enjoys life with verve and people will flock to you like bees to nectar.

John and Jenny said...

I have to say...the mother of the bride is gorgeous! What a fun and beautiful day!