Monday, December 31, 2012


The big news....We are moving to New York!  Kenny is there right now working for an old boss of his in the health food industry! and we will be moving after Nick graduates the end of May!  Just about 40 miles northeast of NYC and we are sad to leave Utah but also excited for a new adventure!  Lots of really cool things to see and do while we are there but also so hard to start over again!  We feel very blessed to have this opportunity and know it will bring great blessings and new friends our way!  We will miss Ashley who will now be an official Provo BYU co-ed, no more home cookin', mom doing her laundry, emma making her bed, no more snuggling with lily and of course the thing she will miss most her brothers!  We also will miss Kelsi and Stephen and our 1st grandbaby who will be born just a few weeks before we have to leave! I think Kenny will have to drug me and throw me in the back of the Suburban because as soon as I hold that baby I will not want to leave!  We are hoping for Law School somewhere in the east!

Nick is hoping to leave on his mission the day after graduation, he is working on his papers right now!  So many HS seniors getting their mission calls right now very exciting!  The thing I will miss most besides my big kids is being blocks from the temple, that will hurt when I am riding the Subway to Manhattan to go to the temple!  We are so spoiled here in UTAH!  but looking forward to being in the real world again and to be together again as a family!  So hard to be apart!

Here we come Ellis Island, World Trade Center Memorial, Palmyra, Yankee Stadium, Hill Cumorah Pageant, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Broadway, American Girl NY Store and so much more!  Come Visit Us!


Keri said...

Congratulations on your new Job and all the NY adventures to come.
I wish we could get our families together before you go. We miss
you guys! The other day we were
watching gymnastics on KBYU and
we saw Ashley and your family cheering her on! You are all famous superstars to us...Congrats to Nick on his papers. It goes so fast. Brett will be home in July!

Susan P. said...

What an exciting time for your family...mission, baby, graduation, moving...exciting stuff! NY will LOVE the Folletts and I'm looking forward to hearing about the new chapters you will be adding to your book of family adventures. Just don't forget Texas, we won't forget you! I don't have a lot of tips about visiting NY, but give me a call when you are heading to Washington D.C. and I can tell you some of our favorite spots. We lived in VA and Jan worked by the White House for four years.

follett family said...

i cant believe Brett will be home in July that is crazy! I have a new found respect for you mothers who have sent your sons out now that my time is here! so hard but so exciting! hope your family is well we miss you!

follett family said...

Thank you I am looking forward to visiting Washington DC and will definetly hit you up for some advice! So fun to see scott and the other FM3rd Boys!


Fishkill? What town in NY? Our son Jon lived 40-50 miles out north and you could ride the train to the city (which we did when we visited). We lived about an hour away (no train, though)in upstate for three years when our kids were young. Lots of fun and new experiences coming your way! Just to make you feel better, there was no NY temple when we were there, we had to travel down to Washington D.C., which I highly recommend, in the Spring (see the cherry blossoms). Fall! New York City at Christmas! Boston at Thanksgiving! We love the east. We will be in Boston/Cambridge June 5-8 to see Sam graduate from MIT. Excited to hear about Nick's mission call. We were talking about it at dinner last night and Van said the Dr. would probably say, "Looks like somebody tried to take your eye out with a pingpong ball" at his physical. Joe got a guilty look and said "I didn't mean to do it was that badminton paddle." We all sighed a sigh of love for Nick . . .and Lily, Emma, Jackson, Ashley, Kelsi. Go to Amish country (just south in Pennsylvania, maple sugar time in NY . ..ooh! I want to come visit!


Fishkill? What town in NY? Our son Jon lived 40-50 miles out north and you could ride the train to the city (which we did when we visited). We lived about an hour away (no train, though)in upstate for three years when our kids were young. Lots of fun and new experiences coming your way! Just to make you feel better, there was no NY temple when we were there, we had to travel down to Washington D.C., which I highly recommend, in the Spring (see the cherry blossoms). Fall! New York City at Christmas! Boston at Thanksgiving! We love the east. We will be in Boston/Cambridge June 5-8 to see Sam graduate from MIT. Excited to hear about Nick's mission call. We were talking about it at dinner last night and Van said the Dr. would probably say, "Looks like somebody tried to take your eye out with a pingpong ball" at his physical. Joe got a guilty look and said "I didn't mean to do it was that badminton paddle." We all sighed a sigh of love for Nick . . .and Lily, Emma, Jackson, Ashley, Kelsi. Go to Amish country (just south in Pennsylvania, maple sugar time in NY . ..ooh! I want to come visit!