Monday, May 27, 2013

Belle Valory Swensen

We became grandparents!  Belle Valory Swensen was born May 27, 2013, 6.15 lbs, 18 inches long.
Kelsi had some trouble giving birth so it was a long process.  She had been induced in the morning and was not making any progress so they took her caesarian and she was born finally at 6:09pm.  She was a beautiful baby and started nursing right away.  We just immediately fell in love with her and none of us got enough time holding her cause it was a real Follett fight who would hold her next! (especially Lily)  She is very little, and very cute!  She was born with craniosynostosis which is basically her skull was already fused together, hence no soft spot to go through the birth canal and so the reason she could not go natural.  You can read all about the condition on Kelsi's blog

Surgery is scheduled in June....

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