Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ashley Learning to Drive a Stick Shift (December '08)

I often tell my teenagers they drive me nuts!!! but really they are so much fun and i love each one of their personalities. I had to video tape ashley driving because she was so hilarious.

This was actually a couple of months ago but i didn't feel ok with putting it on the blog until ashley actually learned how to drive a stick shift! But now she is driving and actually a very good driver. (of course it is a parent's worse nightmare and i am scared every time she leaves and relieved every time she walks in the door) Disclaimer: it does get a little tense, of course we are talking about ashley who is totally intense and aggressive, but just a warning mom loses her patience too. But for anyone who has ever taught their child to drive understands the fear that comes with it (putting yourself in a car with someone who does not know how to drive, scary) and if you don't have teenagers yet, just wait!!!


Anonymous said...


Sarah said...
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Sarah said...

I watched this last night and laughed out loud. Of course, Dallin's been gone all week so I tend to start talking and laughing to myself by Wednesday night. I had to come back tonight and write a note - I drove past the scene of this drive several times today and every time it made me giggle. I hope my girls and I have as much fun as you two. My favorite learning to drive moment - I had just received my permit and my mom was letting me drive to seminary one morning. We had a long driveway with a gate at the end. I started to back out and hit the remote to open the gate - but then it took me so long to back down the drive that when the car was halfway through the gate it closed on the car. Instead of waiting for it to automatically open, I threw it in drive and the gate scraped down the side of the car. Good times!!!

Susan P. said...

Congratulations on your new skill, Ashley! I remember learning to drive a stick. What an adventure! You didn't look as petrified as I was. Unfortunately, where I lived in Iowa was very hilly. I hated it when people came up at a light and pulled right up to my back bumper. Yikes! Crazy people.