Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Another example the Lord hears our prayers and answers them, i remember specifically asking the Lord to protect Kelsi and Ashley this Friday, to keep them safe from harm. I would be foolish to not recognize my prayer was answered. Yes, our little cute bug was destroyed, we are down one car, and ashley had a horrible experience....

But Ashley was kept safe, only a large burn under her arm from the airbag explosion, and a little brusied ego. Another lesson to look for the blessings even in accidents!
What happened: ashley was driving home from gymnastics, she was exhausted and left a little early which put her in more traffic, took a second to look at a sign on the side of the road and the next thing she knew the car in front of her, a big pick-up truck (what else we are in Texas) had slammed on his brakes and she rear-ended him and then the weird thing about it was the car caught on fire! Ashley was very shaken up by the whole thing but also recognizes her blessings!


Allen Family said...

How scary! So glad she's okay!

Susan P. said...

We are grateful for your answered prayers!