Sunday, September 27, 2009

Snack Drawer

It is scary when you see your obsessive behavior in your children! We are trying to cut down on the amount of TV (no TV during the week) so Emma is finding new ways to keep herself busy. She said to me the other day, mom come look what i did! She had decided to organize the snack drawer!


Sarah said...

Ella's favorite thing to do is make her bed and organize all the animals on top. When she and Brooklyn play pretend - Brooklyn is always the princess and Ella is the castle decorator. My kids get it from their dad - Brooklyn takes after me - not a lot of organization in our lives:) Baden always wants to know why we have to "shake things up" and it drives him crazy that I don't fold his blanket perfectly.

Julie E. said...

How much does Emma charge per hour? I'd love to have her come organize my pantry :).