Thursday, March 3, 2011

Con Te Partivo

Con Te Partivo is Italian for "With you I will Go!"
My beloved grandma Grace passed away February 20th! She was 90 years old and will be very missed! She was a wonderful grandmother, the best! She was a great example of a Christ-like person! She was full of love and concern for everyone, was always there for me, sent the greatest love notes and was such a blessing to all of us. She was a classy lady and lived true to her name her parents gave her GRACE. We all loved her very much and have such great memories that we will treasure. She was a big part of my kids life as well and they are so sad by her passing.   Con Te Partivo means "With You I Will Go" and I feel like a big part of my heart will go with her! Even though I am grateful she is no longer suffering in this world and I know she is in a better place I am so surprised at the grief I have felt!  There is a part of me gone now.... I will truly miss her!  So thankful for the knowledge of the restored gospel that one day we will be reunited! 
In memory of grandma...


Allen Family said...

I loved this video (especially the "God Bless" at the end--so Grandma). Thank you so much for putting it together! I've been surprised at my sadness too. I guess death is hard at any age. I will sure miss her and the genuine love she had for all of us. Love you!

Sushi-Q said...

Jane, I knew you would post something for Grandma...I love it! She is and was a wonderful woman. She always treated me like family. May the Lord be with you and your family during this time.

Juliana said...

What a sweet and tender post about your grandma. We can feel of your love for her and sense the wonderful woman she was through the words and pictures you shared. It makes me miss her... and I didn't know her! What a comforting statement by Joseph Smith... I love hearing such wonderful testimonies about The Plan of Salvation. Thank you for sharing yours. Love you Follets.