Monday, March 14, 2011

Will You Go To Prom With Me Ashley?

Ashley has become smitten with a local cowboy here in American Fork.  Yes there are actually more cowboys here than in TEXAS!  Anyways he was asked to Prom in a big way!  Her friend painted a huge sign and staked it to some hay bales on a huge semi truck and then drove in front of the school when school was letting out!  Everyone was talking about it and taking pictures, she said it was so cool!  The funniest part was later that night we were driving Nick and a friend up to Sundance to do some night snowboarding and she asked him.."Did you hear about that guy who asked a girl to prom with a semi-truck!"  We all just started laughing and he said, "Yeah that was my sister!"  of course she said yes...the only bummer is that same night is the Utah State Meet so they will have to go late but I know they will have fun!

1 comment:

Allen Family said...

How fun! This is like straight out of a movie!